I opted in for YouTube Content ID I received an email saying someone [Merlin] (GSDistroPartners) and [Merlin] (Ratrillando) claimed copyright to my music.
Ratrillando, offers an upgrade called "YouTube Content ID". We upload your audio to the Content ID system, which tracks YouTube videos that use your music. When a match is found, ads will be shown on the video and you will earn the revenue. corresponding.
Nothing to worry about, it's YouTube's Content ID system doing its job. You can ignore the message.
YouTube may say that the copyright claim is from "[Merlin] GSDistroPartners and [Merlin] Ratrillando". Is the engine that helps power the "YouTube Content ID" feature at Ratrillando, They'll send ad revenue to [Merlin] Ratrillando and we'll send it to you.